Thursday, June 7, 2012

Some simple tips for happy home

Follow the under mentioned tenets of Vaasthu in their day to day lives and lead comfortable lives:

*      In order to ensure proper health to the head of the west of the house is less when compared to that of east so as to ensure that the eldest male member or the family head returns home early.  

It should be ensure that the vacant space to the west of the house is less when compared to that of east so as to ensure that the eldest male member or the family head returns home early.  

Almirahs and cupboards must be placed in southwest either facing north or east. However, a section of experts on Vaasthu hold that northeast is the best place for placing valuables like money, gold and jewellery apart from deities. They suggest that almirahs containing money and gold jewelry must be placed in northeast. But these people seem to have forgotten the fact that heavier objects should never be placed in northeast.  

Drinking water pots should not be placed exclusively in northeastern corner or abutting eastern or northern walls. They should be placed directly on the floor in east or north and no platform should be built for that purpose. In case the pot is proposed to be placed in southwest a platform or pial can be constructed.  

Water tank above the ground level can be placed in south east or southwest but under ground tank should be placed only in northern or eastern northeast.  

Wastewater emanating from the kitchen should not be allowed to flow towards southeast, south or west. It should flow towards east and north from a debilitated position.  

The hearth or oven must be arranged in eastern south east of the entire house in such a way that the person cooking faces east. It should not be arranged in a shelf in the eastern wall as it amounts to extending eastern southeast which is bad feature.  

The structure of building should be such that it should be higher in south and west than in north and east.  *      Sufficient number of doors and windows must be provided to a house duly ensuring that no doors or windows are placed in southern or western southwest.  

Broom sticks, pestles and other domestic objects must be kept only in southwestern corner and never in northeast.  *      Refrigerators, during tables, sofa sets, shoe racks etc., must be placed in southern and western rooms alongside southern or western wall.  

Double cots or other types of cots must be arranged in bedrooms in such a way that the vacant space in east and north is more when compared to west and south.  

TV. antenna must be erected in southwest.  

Dry grinders, wet grinders, mixers and others heavier gadgets must be kept alongside southern, western or south-western walls or towards southwest in the respective rooms as per convenience.  

Folding cots or other cots, which are not in use, must be kept only alongside southern or western walls.  

Construction of first floor in the western part of the terrace reduces the work load of the family head in his vocation and improves the chances of his career advancement. 
*      While sleeping body should be turned towards left.  While sleeping one should place one’s head towards south to enjoy good health. One should never place ones head towards north even if the same is suggested by most of the people as it spoils the health.

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